The Brothers and Sisters of Charity are an integrated monastic community that grew out of the Charismatic Renewal. Pentecost (Descent of the Holy Spirit) - One of the most beloved Christian holidays among the people. On this day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. The third hypostasis, or person of the Trinity settled in them and turned insecure and fearful fishermen into fearless, ready for any feat preachers of the gospel. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church, - the time point, at which the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ ends, and the union of human nature with the Divine life in church begins. A very ancient and very solemn liturgy is performed at Pentecost holiday in Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic churches. Interesting and diverse is the iconography of Pentecost. The icon shows rather essential than historical meaning of the holiday. On the icon you will see saint Apostle Paul, who wasn’t present physically in the same room with the other twelve apostles but has received the power from the Holy Spirit and was zealous in spreading the Gospel throughout his life.